Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Get Rid of Male Hair Loss with Finasteride - Safe, Effective, and Fast


What is finasteride, and does it work?

Finasteride (brand name Propecia; see Important Safety Information) is a medication that blocks a potent form of testosterone called DHT (dihydrotestosterone). DHT can attack hair follicles, causing them to shrink and produce smaller, thinner hairs. By blocking DHT, finasteride can slow, stop, or even reverse hair loss.

In clinical trials,
finasteride stopped hair loss in 83% of people with male pattern baldness who took it for two years (Shapiro, 2003). But you can see results from finasteride within as little as three to four months.

Finasteride results in a timeline don’t despair if you don’t see overnight results. While finasteride is an effective treatment for male pattern hair loss, it’s important to know that you may initially experience more hair loss after you start taking it. That’s normal, though, and the new hairs typically start to grow within a few months. Overall, you can expect to see new hair growth around the third or fourth month of treatment, with more noticeable results by month 6, and the full effect within a year.

To get an even bigger bang for your buck, there are some things you can do while taking
finasteride tablets to increase its effectiveness (more on that below).

Male androgenetic alopecia (AGA), the most common type of baldness, is an androgen-dependent inherited hair loss, which has a significant impact on a patient’s psychological condition.1,2 Hair loss starts mostly from the hairline on both sides of the forehead and gradually expands upward, eventually leading the hair to fall off at the top of the head.

The main function of finasteride is to reduce the thinning and falling out of hair.

However, in many cases, it has been observed that it also encourages the growth of hair.

Prevention is often one of the best approaches to managing a health condition. In some cases, it may be possible to prevent — or at least slow down — hair loss. Though this will depend on the underlying cause.

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Some of the best prevention methods include:

eating a balanced diet
using combs with wider spaces between the bristles
avoiding harsh treatments and hair styles
switching medications to avoid the side effect of hair loss, if possible
avoiding pulling or twisting hair

click here to know more about finasteride